Friday, March 7, 2008

Face-reading, my real talent

THERE'S one reason efforts to oust President Arroyo from her post won't succeed: Jun Lozada totally lacks convincing power.

He's not the type of person that would compel people like me to march in the streets or at least join noise barrage by blowing my horn when I happen to pass by them.

He may be telling the truth but I don't think he's the right guy for the opposition to get people rally behind him. Political/religious rallies just won't push GMA out of power for as long as they don't replace Lozada as their main man.

And I'm coming out with this stand based on the single reason that I don't like his face. I'm not talking about his sins which he readily admitted and asked forgiveness for -- right in the church pulpit, no less.

I anchor my statement on account of his face: He can't be trusted.

Now I have a strong credentials to lay claim of this talent that I posses. I can predict, almost 100 percent of the time, if a person is nice just by the look of his/her face.

It's not something I learn over the years like writing, but it's something that has been with me ever since. I can always tell if a person is up to something good or bad by observing the way he moves his eyes, shakes his head, open his mouth. I don't even have to hear a person speak to make an educated guess of his/her personality.

Now back to Lozada.

He has an unsure, half-smile, half-grin of a small-time crook caught red-handed. It was as if he's always trying to charm his way around people, especially those in the Senate who are all obviously so eager to accept whatever dirt he has on the President.

When he's not having the senate hearing floor but the camera is focused on him, look at how he conducts himself. He moistens his lips and gives everybody a shy look. I bet he never does that when he's all by himself, or at least when he's surrounded by house help or his employees.

Then he cries. Without tears. The kind of crying Willie Revillame did when he was You Tubed cheating on his game show.

What's strange is that when he laughs, he suddenly turns into a different person. Especially when he cracks self-deprecating jokes meant to endear himself with the crowd. That just won't work with me.

His eyebrows would always droop on the sides of face whenever he talks, which gives the impression that he's helpless and thereby in need of sympathy.

I don't care if what he's telling is gospel truth regarding the ZTE-NBN deal but from what I'm reading -- and I'm very good at it -- his face speaks of treachery. Tusong matsing.

Fortunately, it appears like many people read faces as excellent as I do.

1 comment:

Margaret T said...

we have courts, a student once asked him why don't he take it to the courts where he could get results