WHEN things could get worse, it most probably would. That's Murphy's law. I didn't know Murphy or the anybody who named that theory after him, but in all aspects, I have witnessed that come together many times in my life.
But I have decided not to discuss it now. There are a lot of bad things happening around us these days that I figured blogging about unfortunate moments that happened to me would not help make the world a better place.
Instead, I listed a few, small, everyday things I wished could happen the way I wanted.
1. In the morning when I walk out of the bedroom, I would love to have a hot cup of coffee served right away. Not a moment too soon, not a second too late. I want it on my hand the moment the thought of having coffee cross my mind.
2. When I peek outside the house in the morning, I'd be thrilled to see the car already freshly washed, waxed and tire-blacked. And I prefer that everything used to cleaned it -- rags, foam, bottles of wax and shampoo – are neatly back in place to where they were kept.
3. When I go to the bank or pay our mortgage, I'd be happy to see the cashier or teller with nobody to deal with but me. I'd especially love it if they are already calling me out while I'm still filling out the forms because they wanted to get my transaction done with the soonest time possible.
4. I wish my cellphone and laptop are always charged. I don't want opening my MacBook to see its batteries about to get depleted. That distracts me when I'm writing a story because I never charge it unless it's ready to completely shut down. And most of time, I dies on me in the heat of doing an article.
5. In the badminton court, I wish every shot given me are angled just enough for me to smash it right back. If it's lifted enough to allow me to decide whether I'd flick a cross-court drop shot or hammer a straight-up smash, I'd love it even better.
6. When arriving at the games late because of traffic or other domestic duties, I wish the scoresheets are already there waiting for me. Then the winning coach, or the player who stood out in the game would text me the quotes they wanted me to attribute to them on the newspaper the following day.
7. After work when I'm unwinding with friends, I want beer served in just the right coldness. It should refresh the mouth when taken by the bottle and be felt rushing right down the throat. Icy beer numbs the palate and won't allow you to relish its taste, but it practically spoils it all when it's not chilled enough.
8. When dining out in busy districts like Tomas Morato or Jupiter St., I wish there's always somebody pulling out of the parking slot in front of me just when I was trying to find a place to park.
9. On my rest days when I get to watch television all by myself, I'd love it if I don't have to launch a major search for the remote control, which has the tendency to get lost whenever it's my turn to use it. That completely takes away the fun out of channel surfing.
10. Once a month I wish a handy man would come over and check if there's something around the house that needs fixing. A peeled paint here, a missing cabinet handle there or an appliance that's not working.
If we can get around to avail of small conveniences in our lives, it would be worth the hardships people are facing right now.